Phenolic Resin Board Cutting Processes Work

The first step of the process is to have our carefully sourced imported Phenolic Resin Boards cut by vertical panel diamond cutter saw machine to selected dimensions. Our outstanding team of highly skilled carpenters make sure that the boards are cut evenly and precisely to selected dimensions to ensure superb finishing at site.

After cutting, the boards will be sent for the next process of profile edging. Normal profile edging is chamfered using a router machine or Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine. The computerised machine can produce special profiles edging such as half moon edging. As most laboratories’ work tops are normally completed with sink, water tap or gas taps, we also provide sink hole cutting, water tap hole cutting or gas tap hole cutting services to meet these requirements.

All these hole cutting is done by using a CNC computerized machine to allow for cutting of various sizes and dimensions.

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